Sunday, June 24, 2012

Disable Sync Center from Auto Starting

In Windows 7, Once you have set up "Offline Folder" by selecting "Always available online" - the Sync Manager always starts automatically and shows up in the system tray.

This can not be reverted by removing "all" the folders previously made "Always available online"

One method is to Disable Offline files via Control Panel > Sync Center > Manage offline files > Disable offline files.

But the "correct" method would be to only deactivate the Sync Manager Handler via Registry:
@ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SyncMgr\

revert "Active" to value '0'

This is the default state as it at before any folder where ever made "Always available online" and thus now the Sync Manger Icon will not show up in the system tray upon every start-up.